Chief of Division of Agriculture
H.B. Parks had broad interests in the field of natural history and published on several topics, including bees, honey plants, butterflies and valuable wild plants of Texas. Parks came to Texas in 1917 with the United States Department of Agriculture to do special work with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. The following year he joined the Extension Service and in 1920 transferred to the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station as apiculturist. After spending time in commercial work, Parks rejoined the Experiment Station in 1921 and established the Apicultural Laboratory near San Antonio. He remained at the San Antonio laboratory until 1945. From 1927 to 1947, he was chief of the Experiment Station’s division of apiculture. In 1945, Parks entered modified service and moved to College Station to become curator and botanist of the Tracy Herbarium at Texas A&M. He retired in 1949.